Saturday, July 28, 2007

What do you think about porn addiction?

What do you think about porn addiction? One source defines it as "a psychological addiction to, or dependence upon, pornography, theoretically characterized by obsessive viewing, reading, and thinking about pornography and sexual themes to the detriment of other areas of one's life." I believe that porn addiction is when a person is completely taken over with the need to use various types of pornographic materials (film, internet sites, books, etc.) to arouse, stimulate, and satisfy their own sexual desires. I am Overcomer who has overcome porn addiction and make a point to strive to stay healthy through my practice of Christianity, being open with my wife and my brotherhood of accountability, and being honest with myself about what forms of media (tv, music, reading materials, movies etc.), and conversations affect me.
I am wondering... what do you think about porn addiction? Do you believe you can be healed from it? Is it really a problem? Do black people get addicted porn? Is the addiction a need for intimacy or just a moment of fun gone out of control?
Your thoughts....


Lworld184 said...

Socially, pornography has been accepted on a miriad of levels...individuals in society crave and devour porn at an alarming rate...pornography is a billion dollar industry that seems to have end. It's effects on the minds of millions is in question...

I do feel that pornography can be an addiction...coming from a sociological standpoint there are many examples of people in everyday society that exhibit forms of pornography addiction...whether it be a young man steadily fantasizing about sex...or a young lady watching entertaining forms of it...its something that needs to be put in check by a more moral community...Children are susceptible to the explicit visions dipicted in porn and therefore poses a serious risk to all whom participate in this without shielding our children from the obscenities of porn. It can be cured...or addressed accordingly and its up to the person to actively seek change! could happen!

BlkChicago79 said...

Well Bro, I've got alot of thoughts on it (no pun intended). I think Porn Additction is when one is engaging in 'using' porn as a mis-directed response to other real needs in one's life (such as a need for intimacy, feelings of frustration or helplessness, a response to stress, etc...). I look at it as a mis-directed coping method that will persist as long as it's 'convenient' for the person and they haven't taken active steps to change the patern of behavior that drives them to seek out porn (in an addictive way). That is to say some people view porn 'recreationally' and while I think porn within itself isn't a healthy form of entertainment, a recreational use of it is different from a addictive responce to it.

As with any form of addiction, I do believe we can be healed and see a real change in our behavior that is sustainable and real. It does require honesty (truth) with ourselves and the ablity to be truthful with those who are close to us and can support us in our continuing freedom from addiction.

Is porn a problem? YES, billions of dollars are spent every year on pornography... at some point I read that it was a very large percentage of revenu generated online. So many people are investing significant amounts of their money and time to porn and even its producers know it's a 'cheap thrill' that leaves it's viewers hungry for more.

I don't know who has the notion that black people don't get addictied to porn, but I think it's just another 'issue' that everyone knows about in our community but no one is really talking about and we jump on the first band-wagon rolling that says "oh that's some ol' crazy white people stuff". The reality is that generationally, african-americans are suffering from sexual brokenness and it's just not being discussed in any way other than an accusatory or belittling way of "... well you know black folk _____ " followed by some negative behavior (this being said by blacks to blacks).

At the very core I belive porn addictions speak to our deep and unfulfilled need for intimacy. Our society is one where people don't really engage in 'real' conversations throught the day... rather they speak in general terms and when asked how they are doing the response given and expeced is always "I'm fine". Then in other ways homophobia fules this hyper-masculine stigma of avoiding all discussion of ones feelings, any form of physical touch for any reason, and an overration to these situations when they occur. We look down on guys who do share their feelings or express themeselves with any kind of openness. So we build up these false and grand notions of what it is to be a man... then in response glorify it (and reinforce it) through unbridled expression in porn. Everything in porn is catering to the man. He's dominating the women (usually) being lewd, agressive, strong, veril, etc... guys can watch this an enter into the fantacy and as younger and younger children are exposed to this (directly and as it's notions seep into popular culture) they grow up thinking that these fantasies are the reality of how we behave sexually.

I've writen alot here, but I just wanted to try and touch on the many great questions you've asked. I look forward to reading/hearing more from you!